Partial Pandemic Reading List

A sample of some of the books I have read since February, 2020. Favorites in bold.

  • Going Postal, Terry Pratchett (2004) – Discworld novel 33: A con man revitalizes the Ankh-Morpork post office after being conscripted as postmaster general.
  • World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War, Max Brooks (2006) – A collection of perspectives on a zombie plague caused by a virus.
  • He Crashed Me So I Crashed Him Back, Mark Bechtel (2010) – No pandemic connection: Just a great title. Story of the 1979 NASCAR racing season–although that season did start with a snowstorm in the Northeast, leading to good ratings for the first televised Daytona 500 with people cooped up at home.
  • Station Eleven, Emily St John Mandel (2014) – An acting troupe tries to keep art alive after a flu pandemic wipes out civilization.
  • Shut Up, Legs!, Jens Voight (2016) – Memoir of a German former professional cyclist, rider in 17 Tours de France, and NBC Sports commentator for the Tour de France. Also namesake of our dog, Jensie. Also not directly pandemic related, but I did ride my bike over twice as many miles this year as usual.
  • The Fireman, Joe Hill (2016) – Different approaches to a plague of spontaneous combustion caused by a spore.
  • Dune, Frank Herbert (1965) – One change of worlds followed by a drastically changing world, literally and metaphorically, for Paul Atreides in the sci-fi classic.
  • A Gentleman in Moscow, Amor Towles (2016) – A Russian aristocrat spends 32 years under house arrest in a Moscow hotel upon returning after the Bolshevik revolution.

Certainly not a definitive or complete list of either my reading or of pandemic-related books. For more pandemic fare, try the following (or Google):


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